Analysis of late onset phenotypes in adult KRT8bc replacement animals. A macroscopic survey (A and D) and histology (B, C, E, and F) illustrating the late onset phenotypes arising in KRT8bc replacement animals are shown. A, 6-month-old adult KRT8bc replacement animals displaying both normal skin and areas of alopecia are shown. B, hairy skin from KRT8bc replacement animal (see box “B” in A) showing normal histology. C, phenotypic skin sample from KRT8bc replacement animal (see box “C” in A) showing misoriented, anagen-staged hair follicles and thickened epidermis. D, a 3-month-old adult KRT8bc replacement animal showing both normal skin and areas of inflamed and hyperkeratotic, scaly skin. E, hairy skin from KRT8bc replacement animal showing normal histology (see box “E” in D). F, phenotypic skin from replacement animals (see box “F” in D) depicting hyperplastic epidermis, pilosebaceous cysts, and a high level of dermal infiltration, suggesting an inflammatory and immune infiltration. Epi, epidermis; hf, hair follicle; sg, sebaceous gland. Bars, 100 μm.