Figure W1.
MMP activity differs significantly between MLS tumors at differential invasive and angiogenic stages. (A) Assessment of MMP activity in vivo by FMT-μCT imaging reveals significantly higher concentrations of activated MMPSense 750 FAST in s.c. advanced (n = 4) compared with s.c. early (n = 4) MLS tumors. (B) Quantification of in situ zymography of MMP activity on tumor sections confirms the in vivo data. (C) Representative FMT/μCT fusion images of tumor-bearing mice (transverse plane) show the fluorescent signals of activated MMPSense 750 FAST in s.c. early and s.c. advanced tumors (tumors indicated by a white arrow). (D) Representative images of in situ zymography of MMP activity (green) counterstained with CD31 (red) and DAPI (blue) of an s.c. early and an s.c. advanced MLS tumor. (E) Representative H&E staining of the different MLS tumors. Bar, 200 μm. Data are presented as means ± SD (***P < .001).