Table 2.
Neuropsychological performance tests as administered in 1000BRAINS.
Test (References) | Functions | Description |
Trail making test A and B (taken from CERAD-Plus) (Morris et al., 1989) | A: Visual attention, processing speed | A: Connecting randomly arranged digits in an ascending order by drawing lines |
B: Concept shifting | B: Connecting alternately numbers and letters in ascending order | |
Alters-Konzentrations-Test (AKT)* (Gatterer, 2008) | Selective attention | Cancel a target figure out of similar distractor figures |
D2-R** (Brickenkamp et al., 2010) | Selective attention | Cancel a target sign out of similar distractor signs |
Verbaler Gedächtnistest (Lux et al., 2012) | Verbal episodic memory | Learning of a 15 words list in 5 trials, with free, cued direct, and delayed recall |
Benton-Test (Benton et al., 2009) | Visual memory | Free recall of 20 figures |
Figural memory | ||
Block-Tapping-Test (Schelling, 1997) | Visual spatial working memory | Repeating a by trial increasing sequence of blocks on a board of 9 blocks, in equal and reverse order |
Visual pattern (Jülich version) (similar to: Della Sala et al., 1997) | Visual working memory | Memorizing a matrix pattern of black and white squares in grids of increasing complexity |
Fünf-Punkte-Test (Jülich version) (similar to: Regard et al., 1982) | Figural fluency | Drawing different designs by connecting 5 dots with lines |
Subtest 3 (from Leistungsprüfsystem 50+) (Sturm et al., 1993) | Problem solving | Identifying (ir)regularity in a row of geometric figures |
Zahlennachsprechen (from Nürnberger Alters-Inventar) (Oswald and Fleischmann, 1997) | Verbal working memory | Repeating a by trial increasing sequence of spoken numbers in equal and reverse order |
Regensburger Wortflüssigkeitstest (Aschenbrenner et al., 2000) | Semantic/Phonemic verbal fluency | Producing words beginning with a given letter(s) or words from specific categories |
Boston Naming Test (from CERAD; short form) (Morris et al., 1989) | Word retrieval | Naming ink drawings of objects with increasing difficulty |
Naming | ||
Farb-Wort-Interferenztest (Jülich version) (similar to: Stroop, 1935; Bäumler, 1985) | Visual attention | Reading words with color meaning; naming the color of colored boxes; naming the color of words with color meaning, printed in a different color |
Information processing speed | ||
Susceptibility to interference | ||
Wortschatztest (Schmidt and Metzler, 1992) | Vocabulary | Identifying real words within a row of 5 pseudo-words |
DemTect (Kalbe et al., 2004) | Verbal memory | |
Working memory | ||
Word fluency | ||
Intellectual flexibility |
Tests are listed in the order in which they are performed. CERAD, Consortium to Establish a Registry for Alzheimer's Disease;
only used in subject older than 55 years of age,
only used in subjects younger than 55 years of age.