Figure 2.
Lower glycosaminoglycan (GAG), aggrecan, and type II collagen content in articular cartilage from SIRT-1y/y (y/y) mice than their wild-type (WT) littermates. A, Alcian blue staining (for GAG content), aggrecan staining, and type II collagen staining of paw sections from 5-month-old WT and y/y mice. Alcian blue, aggrecan, and type II collagen staining intensity were reduced by 65%, 50%, and 19%, respectively, in the paws of y/y mice compared to those of WT mice. Arrows indicate the difference in staining intensity for each marker. Original magnification × 10. B, Alcian blue staining (for GAG content), aggrecan staining, and type II collagen staining of knee sections from 5-month-old WT and y/y mice. Staining intensity was reduced in the knees of the y/y mice, similar to the findings in paws. Arrows indicate the difference in staining intensity for each marker. Original magnification × 16.