characterization and bilayer permeability analysis of
polyaspartamide polymersomes. (a) TEM micrographs of the self-assembled
polymersomes of (I) MA-0.0, (II) MA-2.7, and (III) MA-4.8, for which
all of the bilayers were not cross-linked. (b) TEM micrographs of
the self-assembled polymersomes of (I) MA-2.7 and (II) MA-4.8. The
bilayers of MA-2.7 and MA-4.8 polymersomes were cross-linked. All
scale bars in parts a and b represent 200 nm. (c) Calcein-based fluorescence
analysis of MA-2.7 and MA-4.8 polymersomes, either with cross-linked
(CL) or without cross-linked (NCL) bilayers. The filled and open bars
represent polymersomes incubated in deionized water and in deionized
water supplemented with plasma (10%, v/v), respectively.