Figure 2.
SDS-PAGE and Western blot of CD14 in AM lysates and flow cytometry of mCD14 expression on rabbit AM following incubation with PBS, LPS, or E. coli for 24 hour. (A) Expression of CD14 was measured by SDS-PAGE and Western blotting using a goat anti-rabbit CD14 polyclonal antibody. Lane 1: AM treated with PBS; Lane 2: AM treated with LPS; Lane 3: AM treated with E. coli. (B) Flow cytometry showing the amount of mCD14 present on AM following incubation with PBS, LPS, or E. coli. #: p= 0.001 as compared with 24 hour PBS group. *: p= 0.0007 compared with PBS group. MFI= mean fluorescence intensity. Values are mean ± SEM.