Fig. 1.
Representative ethidium bromide-stained 1% agarose gel picture showing PCR amplification products of Cryptosporidium-positive feces subjected to different lysis temperatures and durations. Amplicons of cowp gene sequence (≈ 550 bp) were generated using Cry-9/Cry-15 primers. M, GeneRuler™ 100 bp DNA marker; Lane 1, PCR product of Cryptosporidium gDNA (Just for comparison); Lane 2, PCR product of DNA sample recovered from fecal aliquot subjected to lysis at 97℃ for 15 min; Lane 3, PCR product of DNA sample recovered from fecal aliquot subjected to lysis at 97℃ for 20 min; Lane 4, PCR product of DNA sample recovered from fecal aliquot subjected to lysis at 100℃ for 10 min; Lane 5, PCR product of DNA sample recovered from fecal aliquot subjected to lysis at 100℃ for 15 min; Lane x, Empty; Lane 6, Cryptosporidium-negative stool sample (extraction negative control); Lane 7, no-template master mix sample (PCR negative control); Lane 8, PCR product of DNA sample recovered from fecal aliquot subjected to lysis at 97℃ for 5 min as originally mentioned in the kit's protocol.