Fig. 1.
Effects of subject age on constitutive expression of c-fms and RANK in low-density mononuclear bone marrow cells (BMCs) isolated from 19 subjects (age range, 27 to 82 years). (A) There were age-dependent increases in expression of c-fms (Spearman r=0.61, p=0.006) and RANK (r=0.59, p=0.008) in BMCs. Expression of c-fms and RANK was 1.7-fold (*p=0.017) and 1.9-fold (*p=0.028) higher, respectively, in BMCs from the older subjects (inset, shaded bars, >55 years, n=10) than for the younger subjects (open bars, <50 years, n=9). (B) There was a correlation between RANK and c-fms gene expression (r=0.85, p<0.0001).