Zur is required for growth in Zn-limiting conditions. (A) WT plus vector, the Δzur::Km strain plus vector, and the Δzur::Km strain plus pzurMyc grown in the presence of 20 μM TPEN. The graph depicts percent growth of TPEN-treated WT plus vector, Δzur::Km plus vector, and Δzur::Km plus pzurMyc cells over untreated (LB only) cells from an 8-h time point. (B) WT plus vector, the Δzur::Km strain plus vector, and the Δzur::Km strain plus pzurMyc grown in the presence of 20 μM TPEN. The graph shows the OD600 of each strain over time up to 10 h. Data presented are consolidated from three separate experiments. Statistical significance was determined by Student's t test. *, P ≤ 0.005.