Additional genetic differences between HN878-27 and HN878-45
SNP type | SNP characteristic |
HN878a | HN878-27 | HN878-45 | Location | H37Rv | NT coordinate | Gene | Annotation | Amino acid mutation | |
Coding | Ref.b | C | Ref. | 1358714 | T | 730 | Rv1215c | Conserved hypothetical protein | E244G |
Ref. | A | Ref. | 4138368 | G | 1387 | Rv3696c | Glycerol kinase, glpK | A463V | |
Noncodingc | Ref. | Ref. | C | 2995081 | G |
M. tuberculosis HN878 (gi:485033518; NZ_CM001043.1).
Ref., reference allele; i.e., M. tuberculosis H37Rv allele (gi:448814763; NC_000962.3).
For the noncoding SNP, the following characteristics also apply: left gene, Rv2678c (annotation, hemE); right gene, Rv2679 (annotation, echA15); distance from left gene, −19 bp; distance from right gene, +34 bp.