Figure 1.
(a) Ribonuclease protection assay of serial renal chemokine expression in mice after NTS injection. RNA from 3 representative mice/group per timepoint were included (except for the 2 pre-NTS samples [Pre], the first of which is from a CCR1+/+ mouse and the second from a CCR1–/– mouse); the ribosomal component L32 served as a control for RNA loading. (b) The line graphs show densitometric analysis of chemokine mRNA expression after normalization to expression of the housekeeping genes L32 and GAPDH. Results are expressed as fold increase over baseline expression (mean ± SD), with statistically significant differences between CCR1+/+ mice (filled squares) and CCR1–/– mice (open squares) evaluated by Student’s t test. *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01, ***P < 0.001.