a. Strategy for optogenetic activation of Esr1+
cells in VMHvl. EF1α, elongation factor 1α promoter; ChR2 is V5
epitope-tagged. b-d. Whole-cell patch clamp recording from
Esr1+ cells in VMHvl (c,
EYFP+ cell) in acute hypothalamic slices.
Photostimulation-evoked spiking (d, upper) and quantification of
spike fidelity (d, lower) are shown (filled circles, 2 ms light
pulse-width, n=11 cells; open circles, 20 ms
pulse-width, n=5 cells). e-j.
Double-labeling for Cre-dependent hrGFP viral reporter (e,
h) and c-Fos (f, i) in VMHvl of
Esr1cre/+ males following
photostimulation; h-j, boxed areas indicated in e-g.
k. Quantification of (e-j) (mCherry,
n=5; ChR2, n=10;
***p<0.001; Mann-Whitney
U-test). l, m. Representative raster plots (l) and
video stills (m) illustrating photostimulation-evoked (blue bars;
mW/mm2) attack (l, red rasters) or close
investigation (CI, yellow rasters) byChR2-expressing
Esr1cre/+ males (m,
black mice), toward a castrated male (”♂”;
l, m, upper) or an intact female (l,
m, lower). See Supp. Video 1. n-q. Quantification of
attack parameters towards castrated males (ChR2, n,
n=33; o,
n=23; p-q,
n=11; mCherry, n,
n=14) or females (ChR2, n, n=28;
o. n=22; p-q. n=16;
mCherry, n, n=10). r.
Photoactivation of Esr1- cells using “Cre-out” ChR2
rAAV. s. Percentage of wild-type (WT; n=4)
and Esr1cre/+(n=9)
males showing photostimulated attack toward castrated males (see ED Fig. 3b, c). t. Expression of eNpHR3.0
in VMHvl Esr1+ neurons. u. Whole-cell patch
clamp recording in acute hypothalamic slices, showing photostimulation-induced
suppression of current injection-evoked spiking in eNpHR3.0-mCherry expressing
Esr1+ cells. v. Representative raster plots
illustrating effect of photostimulation on attack towards a male intruder.
w-y. Quantification of behavioral parameters
(mCherry, n=10; eNpHR3.0,
Mann-Whitney U-test). z. Percentage of photostimulation trials in
which approach to intruder led to attack (mCherry, n=7;
eNpHR3, n=4;
**p<0.01; Mann-Whitney U-test). Data
are mean ± SEM (d, k, o,
z) or median ± min and max values
(p-q, w-y).