(a, b) and (d, e). Video stills
illustrating initial position and orientation (“facing toward vs.
away”) of a ChR2-expressing
Esr1cre/+ male (black) towards a
castrated male intruder (white) at the onset of photostimulation
(a, d) and at the initiation of evoked attack
(b, e). (c, f),
trajectory plots showing the paths taken by the
Esr1cre/+ males from the onset of
photostimulation (red dots) to the onset of attack (red arrowheads). Cage
dimensions indicated in f. (g, h).
Quantification of distance traveled from onset of photostimulation to attack
(g) and latency to attack (h), from data in
(a-f) (n=11,
**p<0.01, Mann-Whitney U-test).
Note that if the resident is initially facing away from the intruder
(d-f), the latency to attack is longer (h) because
the resident initially moves in the direction that it was facing
(f) and does not attack until it encounters the intruder at close
range. Data are mean ± SEM. n=number of