Table 1.
P-Value and F statistic values obtained for three different Trichoderma species in the 5% significance level
Species | Sources | Type III sum of squares | df | Mean square | F | Sig. | Partial eta squared |
T. asperellum
pH |
680.10624 |
2 |
340.5312 |
879.1518 |
000.0 |
994.0 |
Concentration |
473.1169 |
2 |
737.584 |
185.167 |
000.0 |
949.0 |
pH*Con. |
583.23 |
4 |
896.5 |
686.1 |
197.0 |
273.0 |
Error |
956.62 |
18 |
498.3 |
Total |
381.168578 |
27 |
T. harzianum
pH |
175.9919 |
2 |
588.4959 |
048.857 |
000.0 |
990.0 |
Concentration |
715.5348 |
2 |
358.2674 |
146.462 |
000.0 |
981.0 |
pH*Con. |
252.680 |
4 |
063.170 |
388.29 |
000.0 |
867.0 |
Error |
163.104 |
18 |
787.5 |
Total |
573.144214 |
27 |
T. tomentosum | pH |
787.4085 |
2 |
894.2042 |
455.464 |
000.0 |
981.0 |
Concentration |
582.6322 |
2 |
291.3161 |
724.718 |
000.0 |
988.0 |
pH*Con. |
202.607 |
4 |
801.151 |
512.34 |
000.0 |
885.0 |
Error |
173.79 |
18 |
398.4 |
Total | 709.129408 | 27 |
*Interaction of pH and Concentration.