Loss of On responses in the superior colliculus (SC) and V1 of nob mice. A: raster plot of On and Off responses to a flashed bright spot in the SC of a wild-type (WT) mouse (top). Absence of any reliable On responses in the nob SC (bottom). B: examples showing both On and Off responses to a flashed bright spot in the V1 of WT mouse (top) and no On response in a nob V1 cell (bottom). Note that the WT example is not representative of the prominence of Off responses, but chosen to illustrate both On and Off responses. C: summed response (spikes) is pooled over all the responsive stimulus locations in the receptive fields of SC neurons (WT, n = 22, nob, n = 22 cells). Responsive locations were identified using a threshold (see materials and methods). D: summed response is pooled over all responsive stimulus locations in V1 receptive fields (WT, n = 17, nob, n = 17 cells). All bars indicate means + SE. **P < 0.01, and ***P < 0.001.