Figure 1. Stability study of Li2CO3 phase on a lithiated NiO nanosheet.
(a) Annular dark-field scanning transmission electron microscopy (ADF-STEM) image with an area identified for EELS acquisition. (A 200 keV electron beam (~12 pA) rapidly scanned the area repeatedly to spread the dose during EELS acquisition.) (b) C K-edge EELS spectra. (c) O K-edge EELS spectra. Each spectrum was integrated for 5 sec with a dose rate of 100 electrons/Å2/sec and an accumulated dose of 500 electrons/Å2. The critical dose limit for lithium carbonate is estimated to be approximately 750 electrons/Å2 placing it in sensitivity next to biomolecules (<200 electrons/Å2 at 77 K)32. The arrow to the right of (c) indicates the increased acquisition time from the bottom to the top in (b) and (c), with an interval of 5 sec.