Figure 5.
T2C/ChIP-seq intersection plot. A comparison of the interactions containing one or two fragments with a Ldb1 or Ctcf binding site. Interactions are plotted, at restriction fragment resolution, over a 2.1 Mb region around the β-globin locus for Ldb1 (A, B) or Ctcf (C, D) for mouse primary erythroid cells (A, C) and mouse fetal brain cells (B, D) from E12.5 mice. The topological sub-domain around the β-globin locus is clearly depicted in the mouse primary erythroid cells when compared to mouse brain cells. Focusing on the β-globin locus, T2C-intersection plots, at restriction fragment resolution, of interactions that contain a Ldb1 bound fragment (E, F) or a Ctcf bound fragment (G, H), for mouse primary erythroid cells (E, G) and mouse brain cells (F, H). White lines indicate particular areas of interest (like 3′HS1, the β-globin promoter and the Locus Control Region (LCR)) in the β-globin locus. The mouse primary erythroid cells interactions between LCR, β-globin promoter, and 3′HS1 are lost in mouse brain cells. The shaded vertical bars indicate the comparison between the different panels. All the interactions are normalized to the same color code (see color inset). The bottom tracks show a linear representation of the β-globin locus, the oligonucleotides probes positions (black lines), HindIII recognition sites (red lines) and the ChIP-seq derived binding sites of PolII (red lines), Ldb1 (purple lines) [38], Ctcf (black lines), p300 (black lines), and various histone modification markers (light blue, dark blue, green, and red) [37] in mouse erythroleukemia cells.