Figure 4.
Comparison of solitary and non-solitary cells within 150 μm of the wavefront. Scatter plots for the speed (A), tortuosity (B) and rate of caudal advance (C) of solitary (green) and non-solitary (magenta) ENCCs (mean ± 1 standard deviation). Compared to non-solitary cells, solitary cells migrated significantly slower (P = 0.003), exhibited higher tortuosity (P = 0.025) and had a lower rate of caudal advance (P = 0.049; n = 65 non-solitary ENCCs and 33 solitary ENCCs; unpaired t tests). D. Polar histograms showing the direction of migration measured at 10-minute intervals. The migration angles of solitary ENCCs were significantly different from those ENCCs in contact with other ENCCs (Watson’s U2 test for angles; n = 35 non-solitary and 22 solitary ENCCs, randomly chosen for analysis). E. Examples of tracks of non-solitary (magenta) and solitary (green) cells.