Figure 8.
Craniofacial suture patency in Fgfr2+/S252Wand Fgfr2+/P253Rmice and unaffected littermates visualized by HRμCT. A) Patent sutures are green, partially patent (closing) sutures are yellow, and sutures that are no longer patent (closed) are blue. Suture identification is along the X-axis while the percent of individuals within a sample showing a patency state is given on the Y-axis. Numeric codes for the sutures: 1, 2 – Left, right coronal; 3, 4 – Left, right zygomatic-maxillary; 5,6 – Left, right premaxillary-maxillary; 7 - Intermaxillary; 8 - Interpalatine; 9 - Inter premaxillary; 10, 11 – Left, right maxillary-palatine; 12,13 – Left, right fronto-maxillary. Suture locations are shown in Figures 1 and 8B. Only coronal suture patency was recorded for the neurocranium as all other neurocranial sutures were patent in all animals at these ages. The internasal suture was patent in all mice. B) Timeline of cranial suture closure based on data from E17.5 and P0 mice. Colors used on trajectories between the observed time points are interpolated. Arrows at the end of trajectories indicate that the status observed at P0 is ongoing. Trajectories without an arrow suggest that future suture patency states could not be interpolated from available data. Suture patency patterns were similar across unaffected littermates so data were pooled.