Optimized tracker performance using imaging mode #2 (Media 3 (1.4MB, AVI) ) with a tracker cutoff frequency and gain set at 100 Hz and 1.0, respectively. Shown are two sessions, one without and the other with tracking. Each consists of (A,B) 13 contiguous en face AO-OCT images of the same approximate patch of cones (6° nasal to the fovea) of subject #2. (C,D) Average of all 13 images is shown for the two tracking cases and without registration. (E,F) Average of all 13 images is shown for the two tracking cases and with strip-wise registration applied prior to averaging. Motion displacements were quantified from the strip-wise registration and plotted as (G,H) X-Y displacements, (I,J) time traces of the displacements, and (K,L) time traces of the displacements grouped by volume. See text for additional details.