Figure 5. Isolated iTregs are active and shows pronounced suppressive ability.
A. Percentage suppression analysed after co-culturing isolated iTreg cells (described earlier) at day eight with autologous freshly isolated PBMC at different Treg: responder ratio. Expression of GARP/LRRC32 in iTreg cells. B. mRNA expression level of LRRC32 gene in sorted iTreg cells with median values indicated and C. iMFI values was calculated by multiplying the frequency of GARP protein expressing iTregs and their mean fluorescence intensity. Data were analyzed by the Mann-Whitney test, and levels of significance are indicated by P values. Groups SbS-iTreg and SbR-iTreg were compared to control iTregs. “*” indicates 0.0001<P<0.05 and “**” indicates P<0.0001.