Table 2.
OC Checklist
Religious | Sexual | Contamination | |
OBQ-44 ICT | .47** | .53** | .03 |
OBQ-44 RT | .48** | −.11 | .51** |
OBQ-44 PC | .26 | −.04 | .16 |
III | .24 | .42* | .08 |
PDQ-4 OCPD | .41* | .16 | −.04 |
PDQ-4 Schizotypal | .24 | −.10 | .10 |
PDQ-4 Total | .20 | .04 | −.23 |
Note. OBQ-44 = Obsessive Beliefs Questionnaire – 44; ICT = importance and control of thoughts; RT = responsibility and threat estimation; PC = perfectionism and intolerance of uncertainty; III = Interpretation of Intrusions Inventory; PDQ-4 = Personality Diagnostic Questionnaire – 4th edition; OCPD = obsessive-compulsive personality disorder.
p < .05
p < .01