Fig. 2.
EBB1 is a positive regulator of bud-break. (A–C) Precocious bud-break in EBB1-oe transgenics. (D–F) Delayed bud-break in amiEBB1 transgenic plants. Dynamics of bud-break in EBB1-oe (A) and amiEBB1 (D) transgenics compared with WT-717 plants. Average number of days to bud-break in EBB1-oe (B) and amiEBB1 (E) transgenics compared with WT-717 plants. Bud-break in typical EBB1-oe (C) and amiEBB1 (F) transgenics after 1 wk (C) or 2 wk (F) in long days and at high temperatures following chilling treatment (details are provided in Materials and Methods). Bars in B and E show 1 SE over genotypes’ means (n = 10–15 in A and B, n = 7–12 in D and E). Significance of differences tested by the Fisher’s exact test in A and B or the Student t test in B and E (**P < 0.01; ***P < 0.001).