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. 2014 Jul 18;2014:bau066. doi: 10.1093/database/bau066

Table 1.

Headers and description of the online output table

Column order Name Description
1 Effect Effect size β^ from linear mixed model. The amount of increase/decrease expression by one copy of the Allele 1 in the unit of one standard deviation
2 SE Standard error of β^
3 DF Degrees of freedom of the test
4 t-value β^/SD(β^)
5 P-value The probability of P{t>|T|}
6 AL1/2 The allele1/2 label
7 FREQ1 Frequency for Allele1
8 Chr Chromosome
9 Position Position on chromosome (NCBI 36)
10 Rsq MaCH imputation quality score, which estimates the squared correlation between imputed and true allele counts
11 Gender Sample’s gender when analysis stratified by gender

This table provides the header names and description of the columns of the result table for online association analyses output by the RTeQTL website.