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. 2012 Apr 28;27(4):407–412. doi: 10.1264/jsme2.ME11310

Table 2.

Molecular and enzymatic properties of Cu-containing nitrite reductase

Subunit compositiona Visible absorption peaksb (nm) EPR Physiological electron donor Activityc Ref.

T1 Cu T2 Cu Affinity constant for NO2 Turnover

gII AII (mT) gII AII (mT) (μM) (×103 s−1)
Class I N. oceani (38,000)×3 455, 575 2.237 19.4 52 1.600 Present study
A. cycloclastes (37,000)×3 464, 590 2.195 7.30 2.262 17.5 pseudoazurin 500 0.172 (12, 16, 17, 20, 23)
A. xylosoxidans (36,500)×3 460, 593 2.208 6.30 2.298 14.2 azurin, cytochrome c553 34 0.445 (1, 9, 10, 24)

Class II N. europaea (40,100)×3 607 2.250 6.80 2.260 17.0 cytochrome c552 n.d. 0.027 (8)
N. gonorrheaed (36,200)×3 458, 585 n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d. azurin n.d. 0.290 (6)
H. marismortui (34,100 or 35,800)×3 465, 600 2.232 4.40 2.304 13.3 n.d. 1.680 (14)
F. oxysporum (41,800)×2 470, 595 2.220 6.82 2.320 n.d. azurin, cytochrome c549 n.d. 0.621 (22)

Molecular weight was calculated based on the nucleotide sequence.


Maximum peaks are shown in bold.


An artificial electron donor (reduced methylviologen or phenazine methosulfate) was used as the electron donor except for the A. cycloclastes enzyme (pseudoazurin) and N. europaea enzyme (cytochrome c552).


Recombinant of the soluble domain.

n.d., not determined.