Figure 5.
Effect of lipid composition on lamellarity. Lamellarity distributions of liposomes prepared with (A) egg PC and 20% (mol/mol) DOPE, (B) egg PC and 20% (mol/mol) DOPG, and (C) egg PC and 50% (mol/mol) cholesterol. In all experiments, the total lipid concentration in oil was fixed at 1 mM and 0.1% (mol/mol) rhodamine PE was added. We performed several independent experiments, and the data from all experiments are shown in the inset bar graphs. The percentages of unilamellar liposomes obtained from preparation using the different lipid compositions were compared to that obtained with 1 mM egg PC by the χ2test and Fisher’s exact test. In all conditions, the percentages did not differ significantly (n.s.: p > 0.05). We also confirmed that lamellarity of liposomes prepared with egg PC containing 5% or 10% DOPE, 5% or 10% DOPG, and 10% cholesterol did not differ significantly (Fig. S6).