Correlation of direction of motion between cells. (A–C) Direction of velocity vector vi/|vi| for each cell represented by arrows for different ratios of the polarity alignment strength to the polarity noise intensity κφ/Dφ. For illustration, small square domains (12 × 12) of a system are shown. (D) Dependence of the cross correlation C of unit velocity vector vi/|vi| defined by Eq. 8 on the distance between cells r for the different values of κφ/Dφ. (E) Dependence of the average velocity order parameter 〈Φ〉 in Eq. 6 on the ratio κφ/Dφ. Arrows point to κφ/Dφ = 0 (red), 1.6 (green), and 3.2 (blue). The solid circles indicate the steady-state values of 〈Φ〉. (F) Dependence of the average velocity modulus 〈v〉i on κφ/Dφ. Error bars indicate the SD. (G) Velocity autocorrelation Ca for different values of κφ/Dφ. In all panels, L = 24, N = 800, v0 = 1.2, μ = 10, and Dφ = 0.5 in Eqs. 1–3. To see this figure in color, go online.