Table 1.
Neuroimaging studies on SD
Article | Sample characteristics (study group) | Sample size (males) | Mean age (range) | Methods | Brain behaviour correlations | Decreases in study group (effect size) | Increases in study group (effect size) |
Preston et al., 2014 |
Speech sound errors (SSE) Persistent errors Phonetic analysis <70 % PPC on ≥1 sound [79] No difference on CTOPP [80] between TD and SSE groups |
SSE (n = 23, 18 M) TD (n = 54, 30 M) |
SSE: 9y 9 m TD: 9y 11 m Total: 8y 6 m to 11y 11 m |
VBM (whole brain) | No significant correlations between speech sound accuracy and gray and white matter in the SSE group alone |
Reduced grey matter: R lingual gyrus ( d = 0.86) Reduced white matter: R lateral occipital gyrus (d = 0.95) |
Increased grey matter: L Heschl's gyrus, L planum temporale, inferior L SMG LSTG (d = 1.05), R planum polare, R Heschl's Gyrus, R planum temporale (d = 0.95). Increased white matter : Splenium and anterior CC extending to cingulate (d = 0.83) |
Kadis et al, 2013* |
Childhood apraxia of speech (CAS) Moderate to severe , no dysarthria* Phonetic (GFTA)a[81] and phonemic (HCAPP) analysisa[82] VMPAC (focal oromotor; [83] Sequencing)a |
CAS (n = 11, 8 M) TD (n = 11, 5 M) |
CAS: 4.7y TD: 4.8y |
Cortical thickness ROIs in both hemispheres: IFG-PO; posterior SMG; posterior STG; inferior pre- and post-central gyri |
No correlation between L SMG & any speech performance measures | None |
Increased cortical thickness: L SMG |
Liegeois et al, 2011 |
Affected members of KE family (FOXP2 mutation) CAS with mixed dysarthria |
KE: (n = 4, 2 M) TD: (n = 4, 2 M) |
Adults (not specified) |
FMRI Overt nonword repetition VS. Listening to white noise ROIs: putamen |
Reduced brain activity:L cerebellum (lob IX), R anterior cingulate, L + R MOG, R SFG, R SMA, L lingual gyrus, L rolandic operculum (extending into precentral gyrus), L + R putamen (small volume correction); |
Increased brain activity Not reported |
Tkach et al., 2011 |
Speech sound disorder (SSD) – History moderate to severe SSD (GFTA & KLPA). [81, 84] 5/6 typical adult level production by school age and time of scan Phonetic & phonemic analysis |
SSD: (n = 6, 5 M) TD: N = 7** |
Adolescents: SSD: 17y TD: 18y |
fMRI Overt nonword repetition VS. Rest |
Reduced brain activity: R IFG (BA45 + BA46); R MTG |
Increased brain activity: L postcentral gyrus; L SFG; L + R MFG; Lmedial frontal gyrus; L IFG (BA47); L sub-gyral frontal lobe; L STG; L AG; L IPL; L SMG; L CG; L + R IOG; R cuneus; R lingual G; L + R MOG; L putamen; L hypthothalamus L + R declive R culmen. |
Preston et al., 2012 |
Speech sound errors (SSE) Persistent errors Phonetic analysis <70 % PPC on ≥1 sound [79] Large effect sizes for group comparison (TD vs SSE) on some WJ, [85] CTOPP [80] subtests |
SSE: (n = 17, 14 M) TD: (n = 17, 14 M) |
SSE: 9y 7 m TD: 9y 10 m Total Range: 8y 6 m to 10y 10 m |
fMRI Auditory and visual presentation, word and nonwords. Tasks: Covert naming, matching using button press |
Reduced brain activity: Auditory presentation: L + R orbital gyrus; L temporal pole; R ITG; L MTG Visual presentation: L SOG, L cerebellum |
Increased brain activity: Auditory presentation: L + R inferior SPL; precuneus; R SMG and Postcentral gyrus; L fusiform; L + R STG; posterior & anterior cingulate; R MFG; cuneus; L gobus pallidus; R lingual G; L cerebellum; R temporal pole; L MFG; R SFG; L middle occipital gyrus; L insula; R precentral gyrus Visual presentation: precuneus, R STG/STS, anterior cingulate, L + R fusiform, posterior cingulate, L MFG/SFG, L STS/MTG, L SPL, R MTG, L globus pallidus, R anterior IPS, R lingual gyrus, L postcentral gyrus, L IFG, R precentral gyrus, L + R MFG, R parahippocampal gyrus |
Study Group refers to SSD, SSE or CAS here. Note that diagnoses were made by the authors
Abbreviations: AG angular gyrus, ASD Autistic Spectrum Disorder, CAS childhood apraxia of speech, CC corpus callosum, CG cingulate gyrus, CTOPP Comprehensive Test of Phonological Processing, GFTA Goldman Fristoe Test of Articulation, CAPP Hodson Computerised Analysis of Phonological Processes, IFG inferior frontal gyrus, IOG inferior occipital gyrus, ITG inferior temporal gyrus, KLPA Khan-Lewis Phonological Analysis, L left hemisphere, LI language impairment, MFG middle frontal gyrus, MOG middle occipital gyrus, MTG middle temporal gyrus, PPC percentage of consonants correct, r right hemisphere, ROI region of interest, SFG superior frontal gyrus, SMA supplementary motor area, SMG supramarginal gyrus, SOG superior occipital gyrus, SPL superior parietal lobule, SSD speech sound disorder, SSE speech sound errors, STG superior temporal gryus, STS superior temporal sulcus, TD typical development, VBM voxel based morphometry, WJ Woodcock-Johnson
* Note that this is an intervention study and we will here only review neuroimaging findings reported before intervention—where the SSE and control groups are of equal size.
** Gender not reported
aOnly report magnitude of difference after therapy