Table 3.
Results of the Linear Mixed Models: Effect of Cognitive Behavioral Versus Supportive Therapy Over Time for Depression Severity, Psychosocial Functioning, Quality of Life and Disease Activity in Youth With Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) and Depression
Outcome | N | Treatment effect coefficient (β) | 95% CI | Test Statistic (p-value) |
Primary Outcome | ||||
Depression severity CDRS-R |
217 | 2.55 | 0.96, 6.06 | z =1.42 (.16) |
Secondary Outcomes | ||||
Psychosocial functioning CGAS |
217 | −1.46 | −2.96, 0.04 | z = −1.90 (.06) |
IBD Quality of Life IMPACT-IIIa |
184 | −6.42 | −13.28, 0.45 | z = −1.83 (.07) |
IBD Activity PCDAI/PUCAI (Pooled activity Z scores |
210 | 0.31 | 0.008, 0.62 | z = 2.01 (.04)b |
Note: CBT = cognitive behavioral therapy; CDRS-R = Children’s Depression Rating Scale-Revised; CGAS = Children’s Global Assessment Scale; PCDAI = Pediatric Crohn’s Disease Activity Index; PUCAI = Pediatric Ulcerative Colitis Activity Index; SNDT = supportive non-directive therapy.
IMPACT-III is a health-related quality of life assessment.
Indicates statistical significance CBT>SNDT