CeA GABAA receptors mediate pain facilitation of morphine reward. (a) Preference behaviors after three sessions of morphine conditioning in CFA-injected rats pretreated with CeA infusion of vehicle or muscimol (*preference comparison within group by paired t-test: vehicle, t(1,12)=4.958, p=0.0228; muscimol, t(1,10)=0.9728, p=0.3753. Comparison between groups by two-way ANOVA: time, F(1,11)=16.95, p=0.0017; muscimol, F(1,11)=0.2680, p=0.6150; time × muscimol, F(1,11)=7.361, p=0.0202; n=6–7). (b) Preference behaviors after three sessions of morphine conditioning in naïve rats pretreated with CeA infusion of vehicle or bicuculline (*preference comparison within group by paired t-test: vehicle, t(1,10)=1.545, p=0.1829; bicuculline, t(1,10)=3.414, p=0.0190. #comparison between groups by two-way ANOVA: time, F(1,10)=13.97, p=0.0039; bicuculline, F(1,10)=7.678, p=0.0198; time × bicuculline, F(1,10)=5.123, p=0.0471; n=6 each group). ##p<0.01.