Figure 6. Diagrammatic representation of kinetics of prion propagation and toxicity.
Prion replication (dotted lines) is exponential in phase 1 until a limiting titre of prions (infectivity plateau) is attained independent of PrPC expression level. Plateau length (phase 2) is inversely proportional to PrPC expression level3. During phase 1, total PrP levels do not significantly change from the starting PrPC level before infection (Fig. 1). PK-sensitive disease-related PrP is total PrP minus starting PrPC level (by definition zero in all three mouse lines before infection) and classical PrPSc. At the phase transition, PK-sensitive disease-related PrP isoforms begin to accumulate (solid lines). The rise of PK-sensitive disease-related PrP appears linear and approximately proportional to mouse PrPC expression level (Figs 1 and 3). Onset of clinical disease occurs when a critical level of toxic species is reached, which is closely similar in each mouse line.