FIG. 7.
Effect of α-mangostin on cell invasion and colony formation of PC cells. (A) Effect of α-mangostin on cell invasion. PANC1 cells were treated with the indicated concentrations of α-mangostin for 24 h. Viable cells, as determined by the trypan blue exclusion method, were used for the invasion assay. Representative photographs of the invading cells through the artificial matrix of control (Ai) and α-mangostin-treated cells (Aii–iv). (B) Bar graph represents quantification of the invaded cells as determined by colorimetric measurement at 490 nm. Values in the graph are the mean±SE of three separate wells of each group. (C) Effect of α-mangostin on colony formation. PANC1 cells (70% confluent) were treated with the indicated concentrations of α-mangostin for 24 h. Media was replaced at every alternate day for 3 weeks. Colonies formed in plates were stained with 0.005% crystal violet and photographed. Shown are the representative pictures of control and α-mangostin-treated group (Ci). Bar graph represents % colonies formation in each group (Cii). (D) Effect of α-mangostin on anchorage-independent growth of ASPC1 cells as assessed by soft agar colony formation. Shown are representative soft agar colony plates of the control and α-mangostin groups (Di). Bar graph represents mean±SE of colonies from four plates from each group (Dii).