Fat (%)a | Carbohydrates (%)a | Protein (%)a | Total Calories | % Daily Estimated Caloric Requirement | |
Served in laboratory paradigm | |||||
EAH | 33.03 | 63.63 | 3.90 | 10121.86 | 405.64 |
Dinner | 17.91 | 64.08 | 18.15 | 2172.39 | 87.06 |
Total | 25.47 | 63.86 | 11.03 | 12294.25 | 492.70 |
Consumed in laboratory paradigm | |||||
EAH | 37.69 | 60.30 | 3.76 | 366.21 | 14.68 |
Dinner | 20.75 | 61.08 | 18.11 | 674.39 | 27.03 |
Total | 29.22 | 60.69 | 10.96 | 1040.60 | 43.33 |
Reported in 24-h recall of caloric intake | |||||
30.91 | 53.87 | 15.23 | 1942.90 | 81.26 |
% percentage of total calories from specified macronutrient.