Sample locations and MA-1 genetic affinities. a, Geographical locations of
Mal’ta and Afontova Gora-2 in south-central Siberia. For reference, Palaeolithic
sites with individuals belonging to mtDNA haplogroup U are shown (red and black
triangles): 1, Oberkassel; 2, Hohle Fels; 3, Dolni Vestonice; 4, Kostenki-14. A
Palaeolithic site with an individual belonging to mtDNA haplogroup B is represented by the
square: 5, Tianyuan Cave. Notable Palaeolithic sites with Venus figurines are marked by
brown circles: 6, Laussel; 7, Lespugue; 8, Grimaldi; 9, Willendorf; 10, Gargarino. Other
notable Palaeolithic sites are shown by grey circles: 11, Sungir; 12, Yana RHS. b, PCA
(PC1 versus PC2) of MA-1 and worldwide human populations for which genomic tracts from
recent European admixture in American and Siberian populations have been
excluded19. c, Heat map of the
statistic f3(Yoruba; MA-1, X) where X is one of 147 worldwide non-African
populations (standard errors shown in Supplementary Fig. 21). The graded heat key represents the magnitude of the
computed f3 statistics.