Extended Data Figure 1. Identification of the Gal as marker for cells involved in parenting and characterization of MPOA Gal+ cells.
a, Enrichment ratio of markers in parenting induced MPOA c-fos in virgin females. The enrichment ratio of a given marker is calculated as the percentage of the c-fos+ cells co-expressing the marker, divided by the percentage of NeuN+ cells co-expressing this marker. b, The percentages of parenting induced MPOA c-fos+ cells co-expressing markers and the percentages of marker cells co-expressing c-fos. c, Percentages of Gal+ cells in the MPOA in virgin and sexually experienced males and females fail to identify any sexual dimorphism in MPOA Gal+ cell representation. Mean+SEM, one-way ANOVA, P>0.2. d, Fold increase of Gal mRNA in situ staining intensity compared to background in virgin females, virgin males and fathers. Gal mRNA expression is slightly higher (10% increase) in females than in males. Mean+SEM, one-way ANOVA, ***P<0.001, ns, not significant. e, f, Percentages of c-fos+ cells co-expressing Gad1 in fathers and virgin females. n.d., not determined. Mean+SEM, t-test, **P<0.01. g, h, Percentages of Gal+ cells co-expressing Gad1 in virgin males, fathers and virgin females. Mean+SEM, one-way ANOVA, P>0.1.