Figure 4.
Ankle link immunoreactivity on hair cells does not represent TRPML3 protein. A-H: Differential Interference Contrast (DIC) images of hair cell stereociliary bundles. A’-H’: Fluorescent images of the same stereociliary bundles immunostained in the absence of antigen retrieval with anti-TRPML3 antibodies CT2 (A’-D’) and EX (E’-H’; shown in Fig. 2M). Arrows point to immunoreactivities at the base of auditory and vestibular stereociliary bundles in both Trpml3+/+ and Trpml3−/− tissues. All pairs of Trpml3+/+ and Trpml3−/− images were acquired using same exposure settings. The brightness and contrast settings were adjusted identically for each bundle type pair of images. Dashed lines indicate cuticular plates. OHC, outer hair cell; IHC, inner hair cell; UTR, utricular hair cell. All images are from postnatal day 2 (P2) mice. Scale bars = 2 μm. [Color figure can be viewed in the online issue, which is available at]