CQ- and AS-ITV lead to an increase in total and CSP-specific CD8+ TEMs. (A) Gating strategy. Liver lymphocytes were gated based on CD3+ staining, followed by gating on CD3+CD8+ or CD3+CD4+ T staining. Memory T cells were gated into TEM (CD127+, CD62−) and TCM (CD127+, CD62+). (B) Percentage of total lymphocytes corresponding to CD8+ TEMs (left panel) or CD8+ TCMs (right panel) isolated on days 27 (V2-1), 55 (V3-1), 83 (C1-1), or 90 (C1+6) from the livers of mock-immunized, untreated mice (circles); CQ-ITV mice (squares); or AS-ITV mice (triangles). (C) Representative FACS plots of CSP-specific CD8+ TEMs isolated from untreated, mock-immunized mice (left panel) or from CQ-ITV (middle panel) or AS-ITV (right panel) mice on day 83 (C1-1; top panel) or 90 (C1+6; bottom panel). (D) Cumulative data of CSP-specific CD8+ TEMs as a percent of total CD8+ TEMs (C1-1: n = 4; C1+6: n = 5). Significance was analyzed using two-tailed Student t tests. Error bars represent SEM. n.s., not significant. *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01.