Table 3.
Distribution of PMQR genes in ciprofloxacin-resistant isolates (n = 262) of human and animal origin
% of PMQR genes (no. of isolates) |
Source | No. of isolatesb | qnrA | qnrB | qnrC | qnrD | qnrS | qepA | aac(6’)-Ib-cr |
Human |
Outpatients |
42 |
4.8 (2) |
19 (8) |
Inpatients |
98 |
3.1 (3) |
3.1 (3) |
31.6 (31) |
Total |
140 |
2.1 (3) |
3.6 (5) |
27.9 (39) |
Animal |
Dogs |
63 |
1.6 (1) |
7.9 (5) |
4.8 (3) |
1.6 (1) |
49.2 (31) |
Cats |
10 |
20 (2) |
20 (2) |
40 (4) |
Horses |
49 |
10.2 (5) |
8.2 (4) |
20.4 (10) |
Total |
122 |
2.5 (3) |
5.7 (7) |
6.6 (8) |
4.1 (5) |
36.9 (45) |
Total no. of isolates | 262 | 1.1 (3) | 3.8 (10) | 3.1 (8) | 3.8 (10) | 32.1 (84) |
bsome isolates encoded for more than one PMQR gene.