Figure 3. Cell interaction with the vessel wall changes after transfusion of stored cells.
A. Schematic illustration of the cell free layer (CFL). The yellow arrow indicates the direction of blood flow, green arrows velocity and the wall shear stress on endothelial cell. Zones marked as A is RBC column, B is the CFL, C is the endothelial cells and D is the tissue space. B. Intravital image example of the video sequences used to measure the CFL dimension. C. Changes in the magnitude of the CFL at baseline, hemodilution and after exchange transfusion with fresh and stored red cells. D. Changes in the temporal variation of the CFL (defined as the standard deviation of the CFL measurements in over 0.8 sec) at baseline, hemodilution and after exchange transfusion with fresh and stored red cells. E. Frequency distribution of the magnitude of the CFL at baseline (n= 115200), hemodilution (n= 115200) and after exchange transfusion (n=57600) with fresh and stored red cells (n=57600).