A contrast-enhanced, breath-held dataset was acquired fully sampled, retrospectively undersampled to have a radial in-plane acceleration factor of 6, and reconstructed with different calibration schemes. Figure 3A shows the fully-sampled image, and Figure 4E shows an image after retrospective undersampling. Figures 3B–D and 3F–H were reconstructed with 3D through-time radial GRAPPA with calibration parameters noted in the upper right hand corner (partitions x repetitions). RMSE was calculated using the fully-sampled image as the comparison and was noted for each reconstruction in the lower right hand corner. Calibration time increases from left to right along both rows and is the same for each column. The lowest RMSE is found when 8 partitions are used with 16 repetitions (3H), although calibration schemes with similar parameters (3C, D, and G) also yield good results.