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. 2013 Jan 2;1(1):apps.1200158. doi: 10.3732/apps.1200158

Table 1.

Information regarding the microsatellites obtained from the GA-enriched library through the sequencing of 130 colonies in Pancratium maritimum and 60 colonies in Kochia saxicola and Galdieria sulphuraria.

Pancratium maritimuma Kochia saxicolab Galdieria suphurariac
Type of repeat Size range Frequency (%) Size range Frequency (%) Size range Frequency (%)
AG 7–33 6 8–27 8.4 10 1.7
AT 11 0.8 6 1.7
CA 7 0.8 6–19 16.7
CT 10–16 5 8–13 3.4
GA 6–27 10 6–25 15 7–25 13.3
GT 6–24 4.6 8–24 11.7 6–17 8.4
TC 12–20 2.3 12–22 8.4 16–34 16.7
TG 12–23 3.1 6–18 5 13–15 5
Total 27.6 53.3 66.9

Genome = ∼30 000 Mbp (Zonneveld et al., 2005).


Undetermined genome size.


Genome = ∼10 Mbp (Muravenko et al., 2001).