Figure 4.
Identification of basic hepatocyte functions in cells derived from iPSC-K3aneuploid cells. Top panels show bright-field images with their corresponding phase contrast images below; scale bar = 100 μm. (A, A’) iPSC-K3 derived hepatocytes are capable of storing glycogen as shown by periodic acid-Schiff staining. (B, B’) Oil Red O staining demonstrates the cells’ ability to store lipids. (C, C’) Cells can take up indocyanine green. D) Differentiated cells were incubated with fluoresceinated low-density lipoprotein to demonstrate their ability to internalize LDL. The corresponding DAPI image is seen in the right panel. E) Bar graph showing levels, measured by ELISA, of human Albumin secreted into the culture medium from hepatocyte–like cells derived from either parental iPSC-K3 or iPSC-K3aneuploid cells. Error bars represent the standard deviation recorded from three (n = 3) independent differentiations and no statistically significant difference in Albumin levels (p = 0.45) was observed.