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. 2013 Oct 26;46(3):641–659. doi: 10.3758/s13428-013-0401-7

Table 6.

Noun stimuli used in the cued creativity verb generation task

Trial # Stimulus Constraint Level Most Common Response Frequency of Most Common Response
1N leaf low fall .437
2N taxi low drive .380
3C coal burn .451
4C house low live .380
5N rock high throw .521
6N card high play .465
7C shoe high wear .549
8C oath high take .521
9N birth fly .451
10N street low walk .408
11C lamp low light .423
12C canoe low paddle .408
13N needle sew .451
14N home low live .352
15C office high work .606
16C belt high wear .535
17N finger high point .521
18N blade high cut .521
19C oven low cook .380
20C fist low punch .408
21N cart high push .493
22N tongue low lick .380
23C shovel high dig .521
24C dish low wash .352
25N pill high take .535
26N flower low smell .437
27C note high write .507
28C church low pray .338
29N boot low wear .423
30N snow low shovel .380
31C feet high walk .521
32C paper low write .408
33N artist high paint .479
34N tree high climb .563
35C cannon high shoot .493
36C tune low play .338
37N poem high read .465
38N soap high wash .592
39C drum low play .423
40C bucket low fill .366
41N cafe low eat .380
42N store low buy .437
43C muscle low flex .380
44C couch high sit .563
45N drug high take .592
46N rose high smell .465
47C soup high eat .507
48C letter low write .423
49N pillow high sleep .592
50N tool high use .479
51C debt high pay .606
52C music low play .437
53N ring low wear .380
54N hole high dig .592
55C horn high blow .606
56C razor cut .451
57N golf high play .592
58N manual high read .577
59C infant low cry .352
60C clay low mold .352
61N hair low comb .352
62N baby high cry .507
63C money high spend .479
64C phone low call .408
65N glass low break .408
66N pan low cook .380
67C candle high light .577
68C grass low cut .380
69N bread high eat .479
70N sofa high sit .535
71C key low open .366
72C ship high sail .507

Note. Numbers indicate the trial number, "N" denotes normal (uncued) condition, and "C" denotes cued (creative) condition. “Constraint Level” was determined using a median split of the frequency of the most common verb responses, as described in the main text. “Most Common Response” and “Frequency of Most Common Response” values were obtained from an independent sample. Noun stimuli with no constraint level indicated are those items that were removed from all constraint analyses, because the frequency of the most commonly generated verb response for these items was equal to the median value