Deformable Segmentation Algorithm via Distributed Discriminative Dictionary and Ensemble Learning.
Input: Testing image |
Output: Segmented binary image |
Initialization: t = 0 |
Estimate the initial shape parameter and obtain the initial deformable surface by solving sparse learning problem in Eq. (13) with β1 = 5 and β2 = 1. |
while 1 ⩽ t ⩽ T and do |
“M” Step: |
Evolve the deformable model by minimizing the external energyfunction Eext [Eq. (11)] and the smoothness internal energy functionEsmooth [Eq. (15)]; |
“E” Step: |
a. Estimate the parameters for the shape refinement bysolving optimization problem [Eq. (13)] with β1 = 5 and β2 = 0; |
b. Refine the deformed shape by minimizing the shape internalenergy function [Eq. (14)] based on the computed parameters. |
t = t + 1 |
end while |
Convert the output shape to a binary image |
Return: Segmented binary image |