Figure 7.
Histology scores assigned by a panel of blinded expert readers and percent glucose consumption measures did not reliably distinguish control and compromised EVPOMEs. Histology scores (with higher scores indicating greater perceived viability; 5 being the most viable) and glucose readings (percent error = 15%) compare control constructs to (a) thermally-stressed and (b) metabolically-stressed EVPOMEs prepared for the fluorescence intensity experiment, and (c) thermally-stressed EVPOMEs prepared for the fluorescence lifetime experiment Histology scores distinguished stressed from control EVPOMEs in some experiments (n = 5 batches, *(a) P-value = 0.002; **(b) P-value < 0.001; (c) P-value = 0.03), but histology is a destructive method for tissue assessment. Percent glucose consumption measures did not distinguish stressed from control constructs in any experiment ((a) n = 5 batches, P-value = 0.1; (b) n = 4 batches, P-value = 0.03; (c) n = 5 batches, P-value = 0.04). Note: The percent glucose consumption measures from the metabolic-stress experiment were larger than those from the thermal-stress experiment because the metabolic-stress culture dishes were smaller, as detailed in Methods.