Figure 7. Adsorption of synthetic surfactant compositions containing SP-Cff, SP-C33 and SP-C ion-lock mimics plus synthetic phospholipids (5:3:2 weight ratio DPPC:POPC:POPG).
Adsorption was measured as Adsorption Surface Pressure (mN/m), following injection of a surfactant bolus beneath the interface of a stirred subphase at time zero. Surface pressure is the amount of surface tension lowering below that of the pure subphase (normal saline adjusted to pH 7.0) at 37 ± 0.5 °C. Higher surface pressure equates to lower surface tension. Surfactant concentration was 0.0625 mg phospholipid/ml of subphase. Data are Means ± SEM for n = 4. Sequences for SP-Cff, SP-Css ion-lock 1, SP-Cff ion-lock 1, SP-C33 ion-lock 2 and SP-C33 UCLA are given in Fig. 1.