Fig. 3.
Retn tg Ldlr−/− female mice exhibit increased circulating lipids and reduced triacylglycerol clearance. (a, b) Fasting FA (a) and cholesterol levels (b) in western-diet-fed Ldlr−/− Retn tg (black bars) and Ldlr−/−(white bars) female mice. (c) Cholesterol content of VLDL, HDL and LDL particles; solid line: wild type; dashed line: Retn tg. (d, e) Serum triacylglycerol was elevated in Retn tg mice (d) and the triacylglycerol content of VLDL particles in western-diet-fed Retn tg female mice was enriched (e). (f) Lipid clearance in western-diet-fed female mice demonstrated delayed clearance in Ldlr−/− Retn tg mice (black squares) compared with Ldlr−/− (white squares) mice. **p<0.01 vs wild type