To investigate the effect of the compounds on spontaneous locomotor activity, the mean difference in crossovers (± SEM) from the vehicle-pretreated controls is illustrated. This difference value was calculated by subtracting the average number of crossovers of the respective vehicle group from the number of crossovers of individual subjects in the WC10 (A), WC44 (B), WC26 (C) and WC21 (D) dosage groups. The horizontal line provides a reference point for controls relative to the drug dosage groups. Doses of 3 (□) and 10 (●) mg/kg, IP were examined for each compound. For a more direct comparison to controls, the average number of crossovers of the combined control groups (◇)is shown across time in 10-min periods (E). Asterisks (*) designate a difference from vehicle controls and a plus sign (+) designates a difference from the 3 mg/kg dosage group (p < 0.05).