Figure 3. Intranasal HB-EGF accelerates oligodendrocyte regeneration and promotes cellular recovery in white matter after neonatal hypoxia.
a, Confocal image of a preterm corpus callosum (CC) highlighting an Olig2+EGFR+ cell (box). b, Protocol of intranasal HB-EGF/BrdU administration and tissue collection. c, Number of WM Rep+Olig2+ and Rep+CC1+ cells in HB-EGF-treated mice. d, HB-EGF attenuated or prevented the effects of Hyp on OL apoptosis. e, HB-EGF had an additive effect on Hyp-induced increase of Rep+NG2+ OPCs at P15, but not at P18. f, HB-EGF had an additive effect on Hyp-induced increase of OPC proliferation. g, HB-EGF promoted oligodendrogenesis after Hyp at P18. h, Fate-mapping of OPCs [PDGFαR-CreER;Z/EG (GFP) mouse] demonstrated that oligodendrogenesis occurred from PDGFαR+ cells. c–h, n=4 mice per group and per age; One-way ANOVA, Bonferroni post hoc test for individual comparisons. i. Removal of EGFR in PDGFαR-expressing OPCs (PDGFαR-CreER;EGFRfl/fl;Z/EG mouse) caused a decrease in NG2+ OPCs after Hyp and prevented the effects of HB-EGF (n=4 mice per group except Hyp HB-EGF PDGFαR-CreER;EGFRfl/fl n=3; One-way ANOVA of all 4 groups with a post hoc unpaired t-tests). j, HB-EGF promoted recovery in WM MBP and PLP protein levels after Hyp (Western blot) (n=6 mice per group except Nx HB-EGF n=4; One-way ANOVA, Bonferroni post hoc test for individual comparisons). All histograms are presented as means ± s.e.m. ^P=0.05; *P<0.05; **P<0.01. Scale bars, 50μm.