Figure 6.
Defective Myocardialization of the Developing Outflow Tract in B−/B− Mouse Hearts. a-d. Immunofluorescence confocal microscope images of E11.5 mouse cardiac outflow tracts stained with antibodies for desmin (a,c red, a marker for cardiac myocytes) or N-cadherin (a-d, green). N-cadherin localization shows that the cardiac myocytes are invading the underlying cardiac cushions in the B+/B+ mouse heart (a, red) but not in the B−/B− heart (c, red) causing a defect in OFT myocardialization in B−/B− mouse hearts. Staining of the cardiac intercellular adhesion molecule N-cadherin shows that in the B+/B+ OFT there is no obvious localization of N-cadherin at the boundaries between cardiac myocytes (a,b, green). In B−/B− OFT, N-cadherin is localized at the cell-cell boundaries (c,d, green) indicating a failure in disassembly of cardiac myocyte cell-cell adhesions. Scale bars: 10 μm.